Our Values
Unity + Integrity
We are whole and undivided in our commitment to co-creating a more just and equitable world, even as our collaborators span a wide range of personal, political, identity, and species lines.
Praxis + Principled Struggle
This reflection and action upon our local communities and bioregion, called praxis*, is our means to organize for the subversion and deconstruction of these oppressive systems.
*As defined in “Pedagogy of the Oppressed” (Freire, 1972)
Equity + Anti-Oppression
In pursuit of this more just and equitable world, we seek to subvert all systems of domination, supremacy, and extraction. We recognize US Imperialism as the current manifestation working against our true liberation.
Kinship with Earth + Each Other
The creation of a more just and equitable world requires that humans remember and relearn what it means to honor all of our human and more-than-human connections, that we return to our places within this ecosystem, and that we fight fiercely to protect this Earth.